Aluminum (Zirconium)

Aluminum (Zirconium)

Image Product Name Type Gradation of scale
or limit of sensitivity
Item # Order
Product: Aluminum Test paper Type: Qualitative test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: 10 ppm Al3+ Item #: 90721
box of 100 strips $41.60  

This test paper shows bright red spots on a yellow background in the presence of aluminum ions (Al3+). Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn interfere with the determination of aluminum. Under certain reaction conditions aluminum test paper can be used for the determination of zirconium.
For semi-quantitative determination of Aluminum see QUANTOFIX® Aluminum Ref 91307.

Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: yellow → bright-red/red-violet

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a plastic box

Product: QUANTOFIX® Aluminum Type: Semi-quantitative test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 5 · 20 · 50 · 200 · 500 ppm Al3+ Item #: 91307
box of 100 strips & reagent $67.45  

This test allows the quick and easy determination of Aluminum in solutions. The test strips come with all necessary reagents so that the measurement can be started immediately. Within 2 minutes one gets reliable results. Interferes with Beryllium(II) and Copper(II) ions.
Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Naturally, it only occurs in chemical compounds. In early stages of water treatment, aluminum compounds called alums are used as coagulation aids. QUANTOFIX® Aluminum is used to check the integrity of the filtering system.

Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: pink → red

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, additional reagents, instruction leaflet in a box

Product: VISOCOLOR® ECO Aluminum Type: Colorimetric test kit Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.1 · 0.15 · 0.2 · 0.25 · 0.3 · 0.4 · 0.5 ppm Al3+ Item #: 931006
1 kit (~50 tests) $98.20  

Aluminum is the most common metal in our anthroposphere and after oxygen and silica even the most common element of the earth’s crust. Because of its big affinity to oxygen, aluminum does not exist in elemental form in nature, but in different oxidized compounds.
In swimming pools, aluminum salts are used as flocculant for the water treatment. For drinking water, the WHO recommends a guide value of 0.2 mg/L Al3+. In accordance to the EU council guideline 98/83/EEC, the threshold value for drinking water is 0.2 mg/L Al3+. In natural water, the concentration of aluminum compounds is even low, but in waste water aluminum can appear in higher concentrations, e.g. at electroplating companies or paper mills. Different national regulations tolerate 2 – 3 mg/L Al3+ in effluents from various industries (metal, electroplating and printing industries).

Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: Yes

Scope of delivery: Reagents for 50 tests, color chart and accessories in a box

Product: NANOCOLOR® Aluminum 07 Type: Photometric tube test Gradation / Sensitivity: 0.02 - 0.70 mg/L Al3+ Item #: 985098
1 pack (19 test tubes) $90.90  

Tube test for the determination of Aluminum. Precise rapid tests for all kind of water and waste water samples. Time-saving and reliable analysis together with our NANOCOLOR photometers. Interferes with Fluoride ions.

Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: Yes

Scope of delivery: Rugged box with 19 test tubes. Sufficient for 19 tests.