Fluoride Test Paper


Image Product Name Type Gradation of scale
or limit of sensitivity
Item # Order
Product: Fluoride Test Paper Type: Yes/No test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: 20 mg/L (ppm) Item #: F-100
box of 200 strips $42.75  

The test paper allows the rapid detection of fluoride ions in solutions containing hydrochlorid acid. It is suitable for the safe and easy detection of dangerous hydrofluoric acid, which is used for example in computer chip production. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: pink → yellow-white

Scope of delivery: Box of 200 strips

Product: Fluoride Test Discs Type: Semi-quantitative test discs Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 2 · 5 · 10 · 20 · 50 · 100 mg/L F- Item #: 90734
box of 30 test discs & reagent $109.80  

Test discs and reagent for the semi-quantitative determination of fluoride ions. The reaction is based on the bleaching action of fluoride ions on an aluminum color complex. The fluoride test is especially suited for rapid control of fluoride concentrations. Its purpose is to define concentration ranges and to detect values which fall short of or exceed given limits. Chlorates and bromates cause white discolorations of the test paper. Addition of sodium dithionite will circumvent this interference without affecting the fluoride test. Large concentrations of sulphate also cause discolorations. Addition of barium chloride (BaCl2) eliminates this interference. When testing intensely coloured solutions the color of the sample must be taken into account for evaluation. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color Reaction: red → white

Scope of delivery: 30 test discs, reagents and comparison chart in a box

Product: Fluoride Test Paper with Adhesive Dot Type: Yes/No test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: 20 mg/L Item #: F-100A
box of 100 strips (20 x 70 mm) $34.10  

This paper is used for the determination of fluoride ions and gaseous hydrogen fluoride (H2 F2). The pinkish-red paper turns yellowish-white in the presence of fluorides. Substantial amounts of chlorates, bromates and sulphates cause white discolorations of the paper. These interferences are readily circumvented. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color Reaction: pinkish-red → yellow

Scope of delivery: Box of 100 strips (20 x 70 mm)

Product: NANOCOLOR® Fluoride 2 Type: Photometric tube test Gradation / Sensitivity: 0.1 - 2.0 mg/L F- Item #: 985040
1 pack (20 test tubes) $63.90  

Tube test for the determination of Fluoride. Precise rapid tests for all kind of water and waste water samples. Time-saving and reliable analysis together with our NANOCOLOR photometers. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: Yes

Scope of delivery: Rugged box with 20 test tubes. Sufficient for 20 tests