Chloride Test Paper


Image Product Name Type Gradation of scale
or limit of sensitivity
Item # Order
Product: Saltesmo Type: Semi-quantitative test strips Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.25 · 0.5 · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 g/L NaCl Item #: 90608
box of 30 test discs $112.60  

Test paper for the quantitative determination of halide ions. This test is based on a reaction between the halide ions NaCl and a coloured silver salt, which is decolourised by the reaction. Although the paper will react with all of the above halides, it is most frequently used for the determination of chloride and thus, indirectly, for the detection of NaCl. It is for this purpose that SALTESMO paper is specially recommended. Cyanide and thiocyanate also bleach the brown colour. Fluoride ions do not interfere.
All reagents are impregnated on the paper, making the test very easy to use even for untrained persons. One simply has to pierce a hole into the disc using the needle supplied with the test and allow the disc to soak in the sample for 2 minutes. A discolored zone appears around the hole and the size is proportional to the chloride concentration in the solution. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: Red → white

Scope of delivery: 30 test discs and comparison chart in a plastic box

Product: QUANTOFIX® Chloride Type: Semi-quantitative test strips Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 500 · 1000 · 1500 · 2000 · ≥3000 mg/L Cl- Item #: 91321
box of 100 strips $51.00  

This test strip is for the rapid and reliable determination of chloride in solutions. The easy dip-and-read-procedure provides a reliable result within 1 minute. Chloride ions occur in all natural waters. Their concentration depends on the geological and local situation. In waste waters and polluted rivers the chloride concentration can reach high values. In combination with Sodium, Chloride forms NaCl or table salt.
QUANTOFIX® Chloride uses the same general principle as the AQUADUR® test sticks. In the pH range 2 to 12 the reaction is independent of the pH value of the solution to be analysed. Strongly acidic solutions have to be adjusted to pH 5 - 7 with sodium hydroxide solution; alkaline solutions are adjusted to the same pH range with nitric acid. Chloride concentrations greater than 3000 mg/l can be determined after defined dilution of the test sample with distilled water. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color Reaction: Brown → Yellow

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, instruction leaflet

Product: Silver Chromate paper Type: Test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: Trace amounts Item #: SC-100
pack $81.90  

This paper tests for chlorides/halides.

Scope of delivery: Pack of 100 sheets. Each sheet is 2x2 inches.

Product: VISOCOLOR® ECO Chloride Type: Colorimetric test kit Gradation / Sensitivity: 1 · 2 · 4 · 7 · 12 · 20 · 40 · 60 mg/L Cl- Item #: 931018
1 kit (~90 tests) $80.00  

Colorimetric test kit for the determination of Chloride in water samples. VISOCOLOR ECO Chloride combines easy performance with high measurement safety, by color and turbidity compensation. For visual determination by comparison with a color chart or photometric measurement with our compact photometers. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: No

Scope of delivery: Reagents for 90 tests, color chart and accessories in a box

Product: NANOCOLOR® Chloride 50 Type: Photometric tube test Gradation / Sensitivity: 0.5 - 50.0 mg/L Cl- Item #: 985021
1 pack (20 test tubes) $82.80  

Tube test for the determination of Chloride. Precise rapid tests for all kind of water and waste water samples. Time-saving and reliable analysis together with our NANOCOLOR photometers. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: No

Scope of delivery: Rugged box with 20 test tubes. Sufficient for 20 tests.

Product: NANOCOLOR® Chloride 200 Type: Photometric tube test Gradation / Sensitivity: 0.10 - 1.00 g/L Cl-
5 - 200 mg/L Cl-
Item #: 985019
1 pack (20 test tubes) $82.80  

Tube test for the determination of Chloride. Precise rapid tests for all kind of water and waste water samples. Time-saving and reliable analysis together with our NANOCOLOR photometers. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Sea water analysis: Yes

Scope of delivery: Rugged box with 20 test tubes. Sufficient for 20 tests.