

Image Product Name Type Gradation of scale
or limit of sensitivity
Item # Order
Product: Arsenic test paper Type: Qualitative test paper Gradation / Sensitivity: 0.5 µg As Item #: 90762
box of 200 strips $49.65  

This test paper allows the easy detection of arsine (AsH3) in the gas phase. Arsenic in solutions has to be converted into AsH3 with Zn/acid and purged from the solution. The arsine is detected directly at the boundary layer between water and air.
Arsenic test paper is used for the easy determination of arsenic in grape must and wine. For the determination of arsine in compartment air the test paper is moistened with acetic anhydride. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: white → brown black

Scope of delivery: 200 test strips in a plastic box

Product: QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 10 Type: Semi-quantitative test strips with reagents Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.01 · 0.025 · 0.05 · 0.1 · .05 mg/L As3+/5+ Item #: 91334
box of 100 strips & reagent $112.10  

This test allows the quick and easy determination of Arsenic in solutions. It comes with all necessary reagents so that the measurement can immediately be started. Within 30 minutes one gets a reliable result.
As a naturally occurring element, Arsenic is widely distributed in the Earth’s crust. In the natural environment it is most frequently present as inorganic arsenic compound in combination with Sulphur or Oxygen. Organic arsenic compounds can be used as pesticides.
Arsenic is toxic and causes skin diseases, keratosis and melanomas. Therefore, arsenic levels in drinking water have to be monitored thoroughly. The WHO recommends a threshold value for drinking water of 0.01 mg/L. This concentration can reliably be monitored with QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 10. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color Reaction: White → yellow-brown

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, additional reagents, instruction leaflet in a box

Product: QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 50 Type: Semi-quantitative test strips Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.05 · 0.1 · 0.5 · 1.0 · 1.7 · 3.0 mg/L As3+/5+ Item #: 91332
box of 100 strips & reagent $106.40  

This test allows the quick and easy determination of Arsenic in solutions. It comes with all necessary reagents so that the measurement can immediately be started. Within 20 minutes one gets a reliable result.
As a naturally occurring element, Arsenic is widely distributed in the Earth’s crust. In the natural environment it is most frequently present as inorganic arsenic compound in combination with Sulphur or Oxygen. Organic arsenic compounds can be used as pesticides. Arsenic is toxic and causes skin diseases, keratosis and melanomas. Therefore, arsenic levels in drinking water have to be monitored thoroughly. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color Reaction: White → yellow-brown

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, additional reagents, instruction leaflet in a box

Product: QUANTOFIX® Arsenic Sensitive Type: Semi-quantitative test strips Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.005 · 0.01 · 0.025 · 0.05 · 0.1 · 0.25 · 0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ Item #: 91345
box of 100 strips & reagent $245.25  

Arsenic and arsenic containing compounds are very poisonous. They cause severe poisoning that may lead to death. Therefore, checking drinking water for arsenic is of great importance. In countries with arsenic containing soil, drinking water may contain significant levels of arsenic. With QUANTOFIX® Arsenic Sensitive the concentration of arsenic in drinking water can be tested quickly and easily.
The especially sensitive test yields results below the WHO/EU limit (0.01 mg/L) for arsenic down to 0.005 mg/L. Thus, dangerous arsenic contamination of drinking water above the WHO limit can be detected easily and reliably. The easy test procedure provides results in ca. 10 minutes and needs only 3 additional reagents. Users do not need additional instruments and no calibration or maintenance of the testing device is necessary. This ensures safe results with minimal effort. Clear instructions with pictograms in the lid of the plastic box make the test easy to use. Potential sulifde interferences have been largely eliminated, which makes the results especially accurate and safe.
The QUANTOFIX® Arsenic Sensitive test kit is an ideal testing solution for water supply organizations, especially in countries where the soil is known or suspected to be contaminated with arsenic and for emergency response units that operate emergency water supply units. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: White → yellow-brown

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, additional reagents, instruction leaflet in a box

Product: QUANTOFIX® EZ Arsenic Sensitive Powder Pillows Type: Semi-quantitative test strips Gradation / Sensitivity: 0 · 0.005 · 0.01 · 0.025 · 0.05 · 0.1 · 0.25 · 0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ Item #: 91345.2

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Semi-quantitative test strips for reliable determination of arsenic concentrations as low as 0.005 mg/L (ppm). The reagents are supplied in PowderPillows for longer shelf life due to protection from light and moisture. Ideal for rapid and easy analysis of arsenic directly on-site. No maintenance or calibration is required. Instruction Sheet (pdf)

Color reaction: White → yellow-brown

Scope of delivery: 100 test strips in a tube, additional reagents, instruction leaflet in a box